3 Irresistible Secrets Only Those Who Job Share Know

And why there's never been a better time to present your job share.

(Eliminate the guilt of putting family or work first, the overwhelm of ALL THE THINGS, and the stress of disintegrating boundaries — WHILE breaking the glass ceiling in whatever shoes you choose.)

In this Masterclass, you'll learn:

Job Sharing

A partnership between two people to share the full-time responsibilities of one full-time position.


The Major Mindset Shift

that all successful job sharers make to go from feeling overwhelmed, teched out & burned out to focused, refreshed & happier in work+life. Bonus: You'll leave having created the vision board for your future partner!


The 1 Thing That Matters Most

(and few who explore job sharing consider) to successfully share your job and make sure you've got it 💯 — so you bring your A-game every week (after 4 days off!) to rest and recharge!


3 Insider Tips to Simplify Your Job Share

to make your job share simple in practice for you, your partner, and all of your stakeholders—boss, coworkers, or clients—even if you work in a fast-paced, demanding job with direct reports.


How to Achieve Mind-Blowing Career and Financial Gains Working Part-Time

from examples of real job share teams and the secret to HOW they crush it while getting back half their time to spend it with those they love most doing the things they enjoy most.


5 Reasons There's Never Been a Better Time to Present Your Job Share

at the exact moment you need it most. You'll live life + slay work by handing over your work baton to your job share partner half the week so you can put your self-care first and manage all.the.pandemic.things.


"Work Muse empowered me to find work that matters to me but also works with my schedule. Melissa teaches the true meaning of work-life balance."


Flexibility is Here to Stay. And There's NEVER Been a Better Time to Job Share Than NOW.

You know the 24/7 work-treadmill is not sustainable long-term for a fulfilling career or life, especially now. Many of us are hanging on by one unraveling thread with Covid instability.

Whether you've been exploring job sharing or just learned about it — this can be the turning point you've been looking for. You're smart and know there's a better way — we are NOT “working from home” we are at home, during a crisis, trying to work OR yo-yo-ing between in-person and remote.

So much has changed, and there's NOTHING but opportunity awaiting prepared go-getters who take advantage of the changing flexible work landscape. Join me to get fully updated on what it takes to create, sell, and get the green light for a life-changing job share.

This Masterclass is a Must Attend if...

  • You're an expecting or current parent, caring for aging parents, near retirement, relaunching after a career break, pursuing an advanced degree, or simply want a life not bounded by your job.
  • You're ready to go from feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and burned out to feeling focused, refreshed, and happier able to separate and prioritize work + life for true work-life balance.
  • You've put so much into your career and your family but haven't been able to find a way to bring your best self to each.


A Personal Invitation from WorkMuse Founder Melissa...

I job shared for nearly a decade after returning from parental leave, feeling like a failure depleted by the demands of motherhood and my career.

After founding the first U.S. job share company and developing the first-ever training formulated not just from my hands-on expertise, but exhaustive interviews backed by research and tested by well over a hundred clients, I've discovered the exact roadmap for how to create a successful job share versus a failed attempt or worse, one that falls apart.

This brand new masterclass is the culmination of EVERYTHING I've learned creating successful job shares.

I’ve been exactly where you are, struggling with life and work. Job sharing was my life changer. What we're going through now is much harder — job sharing can be your lifesaver

If you're committed to making this the year you escape the hamster wheel of work + life demands, I can't wait to slash that learning curve and get you job sharing faster with the salary and benefits you deserve!

Choose the time that works best for you >>

See you there!